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Composer votre parcours parmis des centaines de lieux historiques en Région Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne

Mémoire du Maquis

Maquis Memories is a historical meeting-place on the Glières plateau. It is a multimedia center equipped with interactive terminals, run by the Département de la Haute Savoie.

In addition to the presentation, visitors can see Emile Gilioli’s National Monument to the Resistance or follow one of the foot paths from one maquis site to another. The two-hour historical path, a real outdoor exhibit through the parachute zone, is punctuated by easy-to-understand instructional panels.

The meeting place also hosts specially designed exhibits about World War II.

Dernier témoignage
Balade Commémoratif de Romans
Balade agréable au printemps !
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